Safety, Play & Genius

Most work ecosystems are addled & slowed by some dysfunction or other. It’s totally normal.

My expertise is in the psychological reasons this happens to people, projects and organizations, and using that lens to help people create ease, clarity & flow again.

Through compassionate coaching, trainings, & consulting, I help people in work ecosystems learn to:

  • forge true psychological safety

    so that they can

  • engage the extraordinary power of group creative intelligence and team emotional health

    so that they can

  • experience collective genius and its stellar outcomes together


Growing Skill Sets

People can enjoy work more while outperforming expectations by deepening and expanding skill sets around safety, play & genius.

I help creative work ecosystems grow these skills by coaching the practicalities of psychological safety, creative play, constructive conflict, radical truth-telling, and collective genius.


What You’ll Learn

Here are some of the practical skills I coach to people in creative work ecosystems.

Psychological Safety skills

Personal psychology

How to feel safe enough in your own skin to let your authentic genius out at work without undue fear of conflicts, backlash, criticism, or overpowering others.

How to behave in ways that help others let their authentic genius out at work, too.

How to understand the ways that the multidimensional facets of your personal psychology pertain to work, achievement, creativity, improvement, learning, leadership, and development.

How to understand the behavior and motivations of others.

Team psychology

How to create & steward a team culture that’s safe for everyone’s uniqueness.

How to introduce safety into a team that did not start out that way. How to identify & repair deeply unsafe teams.

How to introduce the concepts and practices of empathy, care & safety in ways that fit your work culture, so that it doesn’t feel hokey, imposed, or useless.

How to facilitate genuine bonds of interpersonal trust (versus forced jollity or toxic positivity).

How to make a team friendly for creative risk-taking and true, uncompromising extraordinariness.


Analysis of team dynamics using figurines. Picture from a team coaching

Play skills

How to make work genuinely fun, connective, and transformatively creative through the power of play.

How to bring play-based design & team-building activities into teams comfortably, without it feeling awkward & forced. How to expand your lexicon of play activities, to keep your play perennially fresh and new.

How to establish the type of profound inclusion, acceptance, and inspiration that teases out the natural desire to collaborate and curiously, scientifically explore, even with people not inclined at first to play.

How to engage people of all personalities, backgrounds, and motivation through the universal human capacity & need to bond and learn through play.

How to work constructively with resistance, blockers, and skeptics to move into the benefits of play-mode. How to overcome misunderstanding of the role of play in creative work.


Learning to face team conflicts constructively. Picture from a team coaching

Constructive Conflict skills

How to embrace conflict energies as part of cooking up genius together.

How to fight fairly and constructively, how to use fighting to get to brilliance rather than get sidelined by it.

How to solve tricky, painful problems and come out the other side with an improved relationship.

How to address & repair bad dynamics, such as power abuses, lack of safety, toxicity of various kinds.

How to root out bad cultural trends in an organization.

How to repair broken organizational trust and create new patterns of health.

How to say uncomfortable truths to the people who need to hear them.


Overcoming "the bad team dynamics monster”. Picture from a team coaching

Team Genius skills

How to create genuine unity of purpose and vision, a strong team bond, and the commitment to row in the same direction (that direction being uncompromising extraordinariness).

How to unify the ideative, generative side of innovation & discovery phase work with the more reality-oriented practices for validation, perfection, polish and excellence.

How to encourage group mind - a creative coordination of highest intelligences that’s nimble, adapative and fast.

How to decide, flow and deliver as one.